Research results on business models in the field of electric mobility at the final event of e-MOTICON in Milan presented

Research results on business models in the field of electric mobility at the final event of e-MOTICON in Milan presented

At the end of March, the research group Sustainable Engineering & Management (SEM) at the TH Rosenheim presented some of the results of their project ‘Analysis of public charging business models’ at the final event of e-MOTICON. The transnational e-MOTICON project aims to support public authorities in ensuring homogeneous development of e-mobility, deploying an innovative transnational strategy of integration among spatial planning, innovative business models and technologies, sustainable mobility patterns, energy efficiency instruments and policies enabling large diffusion of charging stations and wider interoperability.

The research group SEM has been asked by the Berchtesgadener Land Wirtschaftsservice GmbH to analyze the business models of public charging in order to derive recommendations for the implementation of charging infrastructure in the region. Thus, SEM contributed in their expertise on electric mobility services and products (EMPS) to this innovative business field. Besides the analysis of markets participants of the electric mobility ecosystem coming from the automotive, energy and ICT sector, SEM focuses on price models of public charging, organizational operation and cooperation models as well as product and service portfolios of suppliers for public charging solutions. The research group has set up a calculation model incorporating all investment and operating costs in order to evaluate the investment into public charging infrastructure based on typical financial parameters in relation to the utilization rate of the infrastructure. Prof. Dr. Krommes held the keynote speech on the final event by raising the question does public charging add value to your business or is it a lost investment?

Agenda of the final e-MOTICON event: Agenda_e-MOTICON_26.03_eng
Presentation Keynote Speech: 190326_KeyNote_PublicCharging_added-value_lost_investment_e-MOTICON_final
Link e-MOTICON Project